About KnightOwl Survival Store

So You Want to Know a Little Bit About Us …

Well, Read On …

Howdy, and Welcome to KnightOwl Survival Store! We’re glad you’re here. Our Mission Statement is pretty simple: We help families survive and thrive in uncertain times.

No one knows what the future holds in store for us, and it may be impossible to be fully ‘prepared’ for any and every eventuality. However, having a prepared mindset is the biggest first step that you can take in the right direction.

Today’s climate is one of uncertainty – on a global scale, we are facing political and economic challenges never seen before. Additionally, whether you agree or disagree with the [very questionable] “science” of global warming, there is no doubt that weather patterns have changed in the last 50 years.

I’m not gonna speculate if we have more instances of severe weather; that’s up to the data-keepers at the weather centers.

However, I will point out that we certainly hear of more events, and that many events appear to be more devastating than I recall from my younger days.

Granted, then as now, a tornado is a tornado – they’re frightening, they’re unpredictable, and they can cause massive damage. The same is true of hurricanes, snowstorms, floods, etc.

But are there more of them today? Or do we just hear more about them when they happen – a function of increased information flow – or do they cause more damage (because there are more structures to be damaged), and thus are more newsworthy?

Again, I’ll leave that to the philosophers and political pundits.

What I will say, is that generally speaking, the populations impacted by these (and other) events are more dependent on neighborhood and local (or state or federal) services than folks were a half-century ago.

Which means that after a disaster strikes, it’s more important than ever to be as self-reliant as you can possibly be. And to achieve that self-reliance, you need to prepare before the disaster happens.

Toward that end, we offer you and your family some of the most important resources you may need, in the event of a catastrophic emergency.

What Do We Offer?

Regardless of the specific type of event, in order to survive you need water, shelter and food, in that order.

Additionally, you may need some basic tools: some for camping-type tasks, some for household and every-day tasks, and some for your protection and security.

And you need information: how to prepare yourself and your family for an unexpected event. You need to know what to do (and what not to do) before, during and after a catastrophic event happens: what steps to take, and in what order of priority.

Our mission is to provide the products and information you need to survive in the aftermath of an event – be it a short-term disaster, or a long-term catastrophic situation.

As I mentioned earlier, you need water, shelter and food … in that order.

Well, we don’t sell dehydrated water … we had some labeling issues with the authorities.

And we really don’t have any long-term shelter solutions, what with local building codes being so erratic.

But we do offer the very best dehydrated and freeze-dried foods available, at the best prices you’ll find anywhere. Our foods can be stored for extended periods of time – in many cases, up to 25 to 30 years.

With a reasonable supply of our food on hand, you and your family can rest assured that should an unforeseen event occur, you’ll have a supply of quality, nutritious food that will help you survive.

We have cooking equipment that you can use to prepare your meals in a safe efficient manner, indoors or out. These are great for survival purposes as well as hiking and camping trips.

And we have fire-starter kits so you can light a fire in any weather or in any conditions.

And we have an assortment of bug-out bags and survival packs that contain items you may need in the aftermath of a disaster, or if you need to “bug out” …

In addition, we have an extensive variety of personal-protection and security products to help keep yourself and your family safe from predators, whether they’re two-legged or four-legged, or even zombies!

So, browse around our store … let us know if there’s anything you want but can’t find: we’ll be happy to help you find what you’re looking for. If there’s a line of products you’d like to see us offer, please let us know and we’ll be happy to check into getting them offered on our store.

Also, don’t forget to check out the articles and information on our blogs. We’ll be adding tons of information (I’ve often wondered how much does a ton of information weigh??) that will help you understand the impact of various types of disasters, and what you can do to prepare yourself for them.

We Help Families Survive and Thrive in Uncertain Times.

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