Food Storage Articles

A compilation of food storage articles to help you make the right food storage decisions for your family

More Shortages at the Meat Counter Shelves

More Shortages, Higher Prices


As I spoke about in an earlier post, supply chain breakdowns are beginning to result in more shortages across the entire spectrum of goods and services in nearly every sector of our economy.

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Buy emergency food storage, not this Can of Dehydrated Water

Before You Buy Emergency Food Storage


Obviously, being prepared with some extra food on hand (and water, and power, and some other tools and gear of various sorts) is a wise decision. It’s always better to have and not need, rather than to need and not have!However, too many people begin their prepping activities in a haphazard fashion, and wind up purchasing too much stuff, too little stuff, or stuff they’ll never really use.

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Lady Showing off Freeze-Dried or Dehydrated Food Offerings

Which Is Better: Freeze-Dried or Dehydrated Food?


There are advantages to both methods, and disadvantages to both. In and of itself, neither method is necessarily “better” than the other; it’s more a matter of which method provides the preferred result for a given food type. The key is to remove moisture from within the food itself, then package that food in an oxygen-free environment.

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The truth about the true cost of freeze dried food

What Is the True Cost of Freeze Dried Food?


A few years ago, an article implied that the cost of freeze dried food is too expensive to be a viable method of food storage. The article was based on a study that compared various methods of food storage. I disagree with them, and I contend that their conclusions are not based on sound logic.

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Use a slide rule to calculate 2000 calorie days

What Are 2000 Calorie Days?


We want to share with you a simple method for calculating the quantity and cost of the food you and your family may need over a given time frame. We call it “2000 Calorie Days.” And you don't need a slide rule to do the math!

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Learn About Legacy Premium Foods

Learn About Legacy Premium Foods


Let's take a look and find out why Legacy Premium Foods offers a better value in Food Storage than all the other competing brands. In a nutshell, Legacy offers more variety, their meals are healthier and better tasting, and their food storage packages have a longer shelf life.

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Learn About Legacy Premium Foods

Legacy Premium Is Simply a Better Value


Legacy Premium offers high quality meals that are loaded with flavor and nutrition. We start with the finest ingredients – certified GMO Free – and create great-tasting, healthy meals that will keep your whole family satisfied and nourished.

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Legacy Partners w/ Honeyville Banner

Partnership Between Honeyville and Legacy Premium Foods


Partnering with Honeyville will not only enable Legacy Foods to continue to produce the healthiest and tastiest emergency foods, but also assures that all of Legacy’s products will continue to be certified GMO-Free, with no trans fat, no cholesterol, low sodium and high fiber contents.

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Farming Practices Labels Banner

What Do Those Farming Practices Labels Mean?


In an effort to help you understand what some of these phrases actually mean, we’ve compiled a short list of the more common farming practices labels and phrases that producers, packers and advertising bigwigs use to entice you to get excited about their products.

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