Legacy Premium Freeze Dried Corn
1 Pouch: 20 Servings ~ 6 Pouches: 120 Servings
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Freeze Dried Corn ~ Everybody's Favorite Veggie!
Sweet corn has always been a traditional family favorite. And now your family can enjoy the great taste of sweet corn all year long. Our Legacy Premium Bulk Foods Freeze Dried Corn maintains all the healthful benefits and all the great flavor of fresh corn.
It will surely be a welcome addition to your emergency food storage, or to your family’s everyday meals. Serve it as a side dish to complement any meal and enjoy its delicious golden goodness. Or, add it to soups, stews, casseroles, and of course, even corn bread!
Fresh-from-the-farm flavor and nutrition are locked into these golden morsels, ready for you to enjoy with your next meal. Our super sweet corn is a family favorite that your family will enjoy year round.
Legacy Premium Bulk Foods corn niblets are freeze-dried and vacuum-sealed in Metallyte™ pouches, with a nitrogen flush and an oxygen absorber in each pouch. This process ensures a long shelf life – up to 10-15 years for unopened pouches.
Legacy Premium sweet corn will keep your family going in any emergency thanks to its high nutrition content, extreme convenience and super sweet flavor.
Easily stored, prepared and transported, freeze-dried emergency foods such as our Legacy Premium corn makes your emergency food storage preparations easier than ever.
Enjoy Farm Fresh Sweet Corn All Year Long
- Perfect for Daily Use, or Long-Term Storage
- Resealable Metallyte™ Pouches
- Pouches Stand Upright on Your Shelf or Countertop
- Oxygen Absorber in Every Pouch
- Shelf Life, Unopened Pouch: 10-15 Years
- Shelf Life, after Pouch Seal Is Broken: Up to One Year
- Simple to Prepare: Soak 1 Cup of Corn in 1 Cup of Cool Water for 15-20 Minuntes, or until Hydrated.
- May Be Eaten Straight from the Package
- Gluten Free
- Non-GMO
- No Trans Fat
- No Cholesterol
~ Fill Your Pantry with Legacy Premium Bulk Foods ~
~ Discover the Best Value in Food Storage ~