Introducing Our New Expandable Bo-Staff
Quick blog post about our new, expandable Bo-Staff from Streetwise Security Products.
Two batons attach together, creating the staff. When extended, the staff expands to nearly 5 feet!
Quick blog post about our new, expandable Bo-Staff from Streetwise Security Products.
Two batons attach together, creating the staff. When extended, the staff expands to nearly 5 feet!
Want to learn more about Streetwise Stun Guns? Our FAQ is a great place to start!
Streetwise Pepper Spray FAQ What Is Pepper Spray? Our Streetwise Pepper Spray is a top selling brand of pepper spray. Pepper spray is generic name for a family of defense sprays which are, essentially, non-lethal chemical compounds that cause immediate and extreme inflammation when sprayed at an attacker, especially when aimed at the eyes and
Your decision to purchase a stun gun is a decision to take responsibility for your own safety. This is a comprehensive guide to stun guns to help you make an informed decision whether or not to purchase one for yourself.
Below is the policy we follow for all products that we offer from Streetwise Security Products, Inc. This is the official Streetwise Products Warranty, as found on their website.
Safety Technology Warranty & Returns Below is the policy we follow for most products that we offer from Safety Technology, Inc. This is the official Safety Technology Products Warranty, as found on their website. Updated January, 2022 Our number one goal is to make you a happy returning customer! Feel free to return any item
We know that State & Local Stun Gun Laws can be confusing, and sometimes even contradictory.
To help you sort through this quagmire, we have compiled a listing of states that currently have in effect any significant restrictions on the purchase, possession and carrying of stunning devices.
We have compiled a summary of each state’s laws on the sale, possession and use of non-lethal aerosol deterrents
To the best of our knowledge, at present there are no Federal restrictions on the purchase or possession of batons, expandable or otherwise.
However, we cannot positively assert that claim as accurate. Nor can we speak to any State or Local statutes that may impact the sale or possession of batons.
We know that Federal, State & Local codes and statutes can be confusing, and sometimes even contradictory. Furthermore, those laws are frequently changed, amended, or sometimes even repealed.
It is the sole responsibility of the purchaser to ensure that the purchase and/or possession of any of our products is in compliance with any and all Federal, State and/or Local surveillance equipment laws.
In October of 2020, we received a notice from PayPal informing us that, because stun guns are illegal in Hawaii and Rhode Island (states to which we do not ship stunning devices anyway), we were considered “in violation of their Acceptable Use Policy” and that our account had been “limited temporarily.”
Well, in the immortal words of Tyler Durdan, “Bite Me.”